Make / Move / Experience

Make it

Creating memorable stories has been a driving force in my life since I was a child, from scribbling on school papers, to now collaborating on beautiful content with some of the largest companies in the world. Every project presents unique challenges, strategies, and visual approaches to make it into something special.

Ideas in Motion

When beginning my career as an interactive designer, utilizing motion design to better communicate the story being told became more and more critical. From creating motion studies to understand complex UI / UX interactions, to creating motion specific projects full of kinetic flourishes and animation, motion design has been a critical and career changing component.

Explore these projects, where Motion Design & Animation take center stage.

Experience & Design

Working in experience design has lead to some of the biggest and most experimental projects I’ve worked on. From 20ft touchscreen walls, to gamified chemistry sets for iPad. Many of these projects are meant to be experienced, allowing you to engage in wand duels like Harry Potter, or watch an animated story on a 75ft rotunda. These projects often expand out fo the norm, and require UI/UX solutions that are unique to each experience.

Explore these projects where memorable and exciting experiences are key.

Telling the Story

Crafting a compelling narrative is one of the most important parts of any project I’m involved in. Everything has a story to tell, and using motion and design to tell that story allows fo incredibly rewarding and inspiring work to evolve.

Partners & Collaborators

Let’s work together.